We seek uniques – Call for 2023 entries open

Eng, Hrv
The Guitarist festival is designed to reward guitarists for their love of music. For the effort put into playing a beautiful instrument.
The third online, but with a jury, Guitarist festival will take place on December 15-16, 2023.
And this year, the organizer of the association Standard, with the vote of an experienced jury, will award 5 awards, namely:
1st place Grand prix, statue, certificate and 500 euros
2nd place, festival certificate
3rd place, festival certificate
- Best guitar original music
- Best guitar music video
The grand prix award, in addition to the statue and certificate, brings the winner a symbolic cash prize of 500 euros.
Take a look at www.guitar.ba and find out how to register for the festival, it’s easy.
In addition to the author’s music, it is possible to submit a music video (spot), where the guitar dominates, i.e. guitarist’s music. This category is interesting for directors, guitarists, video creators, etc.
Our Guitarist festival is progressing slowly, and is organized almost without any finances.
With the hope that it will grow into a festival with an audience and quality audio video production. Who knows, maybe this Guitarist festival will show them the right path in their musical career…
Guitarist festival osmišljen je kako bi gitariste nagradio za njihovu ljubav prema glazbi. Za trud uložen u sviranje prekrasnog instrumenta.
Treći online, ali s žirijem, Guitarist festival održat će se od 15. do 16. prosinca 2023. godine.
U žiriju Saša Novak (ex Psihomodo pop), Marino Pelajić (ex Film, Haustor).
I ove godine organizator udruga Standard, uz glasove iskusnog žirija, dodijelit će 3 nagrade i to:
- mjesto Grand prix, statua, certifikat i 500 eura
- mjesto, diploma festivala
- mjesto, diploma festivala Najbolja originalna gitarska glazba Najbolji glazbeni video za gitaru Grand prix nagrada, osim statue i certifikata, pobjedniku donosi i simboličnu novčanu nagradu od 500 eura.
Zavirite na www.guitar.ba i saznajte kako se prijaviti na festival, jednostavno je. Osim autorske glazbe, moguće je prijaviti glazbeni spot (spot), u kojem dominira gitara, odnosno glazba gitarista. Ova kategorija je zanimljiva redateljima, gitaristima, video kreatorima itd.
Guitar festival polako napreduje, a organizira se gotovo bez ikakvih financijskih sredstava.
S nadom da će prerasti u festival s publikom i kvalitetnom audio video produkcijom. Tko zna, možda im ovaj Gitarist festival pokaže pravi put u njihovoj glazbenoj karijeri…